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Pushy drivers AKA Pusheriners

Picture this, you are on your way home from work and you hit a road that merges two lanes into one either through road works or by design. Do you sit and wait in the queuing traffic or do you race up on the outside to the where the cars merge and push your way in? Now I think there are two people in this world, people who will wait their turn in the queue and those that skip the wait in the knowledge that someone will let them join further along the line of traffic. Whilst I know that using both lanes is a more efficient use of the road and causes less of a tailback I will always sit and wait...and simmer.

Time after time I join the back of the queue and watch the cars cheekily and successfully pass me by only to be let in by a more giving person than me. But I sit there, simmering in the knowledge that every time someone is let in I move back a space in the line that I have been so patiently waiting in and this brings out a very different driver in me! On the roads I will let other drivers out if I'm able to and I'll happily drive on, it's a very different situation when I'm in THAT queue. There is no chance that I will leave a gap large enough for a chancer to slip in and woe betide the person that meets me at the tip of the line. The only occasion that I would let one of these 'Pusheriners' push in would be to avoid an accident but if it's safe enough and it just means they have to let some other fool behind me let them in then that is what I do...without fail. Sometimes I think a set of bull bars would have been a handy modification to the car. Just wait your turn like everyone else!

Perhaps I'm being unreasonable, I probably am, but this extends to the continent as well. Whilst on holiday a family of Italians at a restaurant and a Spanish lady in a bus queue all went to push in the line. I was aware of the clash in cultures but the same rule applies for me. And in case you were wondering, in both those instances, they were made to follow British queuing etiquette!

The Curious Fox

The Curious Fox

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