Learning Lettering!
For the past few months I've stumbled across a new art form that has become a slight obsession! It goes by many names, calligraphy, modern calligraphy, brush calligraphy, typography but whatever you choose to call it I LOVE it! I think I've fallen in love with it because it mixes two of my favourite things in life, words and art. I can play around with words, quotes, lyrics, poetry and present them using endless combinations and variations. Now, it's not easy, it's taking me a long time to start to get grips with the basics. It's like learning to write all over again as you form and link letters in new ways but it's a joy to learn and there's so much inspiration and guidance on social media that you're not on your own or ever short of ideas.
Getting the basics is important, papers, pens and practise sheets but after that it's really a matter of practise, practise, practise! I'm at the beginning of my lettering journey so I still find it easier to plan and write in pencil and then go over with a pen. Sometimes I use a brush pen to get a natural looking stroke and other times I use faux calligraphy, I enjoy both but find faux easier at the moment. Sometimes I use other people's posts as practise, I think when your first starting out in something creative your first instinct is to copy until you find your own style. I'm slowly finding my own style but I have a long way to go.
I love the endless possibilities with lettering fonts, composition, flourishes, frames, curls, dividers, borders and one of my favourite- watercolour. Playing with watercolour is another new hobby that I'm getting to grips with, but I think that the combination of watercolours with modern calligraphy is so pleasing to the eye. I'm no where near the level that I hope to be one day but for now I'm happy with my progress and I'm looking forward to improving and developing my new found skills. If you fancy a look at what I'm up to then pop over to Instagram @thecreativefoxblog
The Creative Fox